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NOAH is a volunteer organization for persons and families involved with the condition of albinism. It does not diagnose, treat, or provide genetic counseling. It is involved in self-help, while trying to promote research and education.

The National Organization for Albinism and Hypopigmentation
PO Box 959, East Hampstead, NH 03826-0959
Phone: 800 473-2310 Phone: 603 887-2310

If you have any questions or comments, please e-mail us at

Positive Exposure

POSITIVE EXPOSURE is an innovative program that challenges the stigma associated with difference. The program attacks public fears about difference and celebrates the richness of genetic variation.

Craig's Story

This page is mostly dedicated to Albinism. I have also posted some of my music, personal photos, links and more. I do change things from time to time so feel free to stop by once in a while.

Thanks!... Craig

Blindness Resource Center

This nifty fifty little page houses tonz of links and resources on eye and vision conditions and includes a section for albinism.

Welcome To My World...


About me, my life and my thoughts


A searchable database filled with info.

International Albinism Center

The International Albinism Center is a team of dedicated research professionals interested in understanding the basis of albinism in humans. We are a multi-disciplinary group of researchers that include interests in clinical genetics, molecular biology, ophthalmology, dermatology, and biochemistry, all with a central theme of understanding the cause and effect of albinism and other forms of pigment loss in humans. We have published several papers on different aspects of albinism as a result of this collaborative effort.

Another Link-Heavy Resource

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